Set up a Node
Notice for existing node operators!
krest runtime upgrade (v. 0.0.6)
This release updates dependent libraries to enhance network features and stability. It unifies the RPC and WS ports, requiring hosts to update their binary/docker configurations for improved user experience and optimal EVM functionality. We highly recommend updating your nodes to guarantee seamless and optimal performance.
Steps to do the update:
Stop the docker container (remember to keep the docker volume).
Copy the docker image from below
from your node (if you already generated session keys previously)Run your updated image again
Install Docker on your VM (how to install Docker on Ubuntu)
Create and run the container from the collator node image using the following command
sudo docker run -d -v krest-storage:/chain-data -p 9944:9944 -p 9933:9933 peaq/parachain:krest-v0.0.7 \
--collator \
--parachain-id 2241 \
--chain ./node/src/chain-specs/krest-raw.json \
--base-path chain-data \
--port 30333 \
--rpc-port 9944 \
--rpc-methods=unsafe \
--unsafe-rpc-external \
--rpc-cors=all \
--execution=wasm \
--out-peers 50 \
--in-peers 50 \
-- \
--execution wasm \
--chain ./node/src/chain-specs/kusama.json \
--port 30343 \
--sync warp \
--rpc-port 9977
- Wait until your collator node syncs with the blockchain (both Polkadot Relay Chain and krest parachain block history). It may take a few hours and will depend on your connection speed. A fully synced node will look like this: