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The addGroup function is used to create a new group within the RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) system. This function returns a JSON object with groupID.


  • name (required): name of the group to be created.

  • groupId (not required): ID of the group. If not provided, a new ID will be generated.

  • address (not required): address associated with the operation.

  • seed (not required): mnemonic seed used for transaction signing.

Code example

import { Sdk } from "@peaq-network/sdk";
import { mnemonicGenerate } from "@polkadot/util-crypto";

const generateMnemonicSeed = () => {
const mnemonicSeed = mnemonicGenerate();
return mnemonicSeed;

* Create a new group within the RBAC system.
* @param {string} name - The name of the group to be created (required).
* @param {string} [groupId] - The ID of the group (not required).
* @param {Address} [address] - The address associated with the operation (not required).
* @param {string} [seed] - The mnemonic seed (not required).
* @returns {Promise<Object>} A promise that resolves to an object containing the groupId field.
const addGroup = async (name, seed) => {
const sdkInstance = await Sdk.createInstance({
baseUrl: "wss://",

try {
const { groupId: createdGroupId } = await sdkInstance.rbac.addGroup({

return createdGroupId;
} finally {
await sdkInstance.disconnect();

// Example usage
const groupName = 'myGroup';
const mnemonicSeed = generateMnemonicSeed();
addGroup(groupName, mnemonicSeed)
.then((groupId) => {
console.log(`Created group Id: ${groupId}`);
.catch((error) => {
console.error(`Error creating new group: ${error}`);

Response object

groupId: "02709409-kd01-4444-8222-b5zz8512"