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SDK Quickstart

To get started with the peaq SDK, you'll need to set up the essential tools and components that enable interaction with the peaq blockchain ecosystem.


  • Node.js (latest version)

Supported Programming Languages

  • Javascript


  • To begin utilizing the peaq-network SDK, you need to set up your development environment. Follow these simple steps to get started:
npm install @peaq-network/sdk
  • In case you don't have an existing project, you'll need to complete a few steps, before and after installing an SDK.
  • Run command: npm init -y
  • Install SDK
  • Inside package.json file write under scripts "start":"node <js file_name>" and add "type": "module" below "version" key.
  • Then write or paste code.
  • Run command: npm start

Creating an Instance

createInstance(baseUrl, seed)

Parameters :

  • baseUrl REQUIRED <string>: network chain url.

  • seed <string>: seed phrase (from BIP 39 set).

To create the instance of peaq SDK you'll need to run createSdkInstance, which returns a promise yielding an SDK instance. This function takes 2 parameters: the required baseUrl parameter and the optional seed parameter, which will allow it to send transactions (i.e. perform write operations). To ensure robustness, the function incorporates a try-catch block to handle potential errors during the SDK instance creation process. Any encountered errors are logged to the console before being re-thrown to the calling code.

BaseURL parameter examples


Code examples

Create instance (read mode)

import { Sdk } from "@peaq-network/sdk";

const createSdkInstance = async (baseUrl) => {
try {
const sdkInstance = await Sdk.createInstance({ baseUrl });
return sdkInstance;
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Failed to create SDK instance: ${error}`);
throw error;

Create instance (read+write mode)

import { mnemonicGenerate, cryptoWaitReady } from "@polkadot/util-crypto";
import { Sdk } from "@peaq-network/sdk";

if @polkadot/util-crypto package not installed in your system then you have to install it first.
npm install @polkadot/util-crypto

const generateMnemonicSeed = async () => {
const mnemonicSeed = mnemonicGenerate();
return mnemonicSeed;

const createSDKInstance = async () => {
const mnemonicSeed = await generateMnemonicSeed();
await cryptoWaitReady();
const sdkInstance = await Sdk.createInstance({
baseUrl: "peaq-network-chain-url",
seed: mnemonicSeed,
return sdkInstance;

Connecting to the network

connect() This function, connects a client app to the peaq-network blockchain.

Code example

import { mnemonicGenerate } from "@polkadot/util-crypto";
import { Sdk } from "@peaq-network/sdk";

const generateMnemonicSeed = () => {
const mnemonicSeed = mnemonicGenerate();
return mnemonicSeed;

const connectToPeaqTestnet = async () => {
const mnemonicSeed = generateMnemonicSeed();
const sdkInstance = await Sdk.createInstance({
baseUrl: "wss://",
seed: mnemonicSeed,
await sdkInstance.connect();

Disconnecting from the network


This function is used to close and terminate the connection between a client application and the network.

Code example

import { mnemonicGenerate } from "@polkadot/util-crypto";
import { Sdk } from "@peaq-network/sdk";

const generateMnemonicSeed = () => {
const mnemonicSeed = mnemonicGenerate();
return mnemonicSeed;

const connectToPeaqTestnet = async () => {
const mnemonicSeed = generateMnemonicSeed();
const sdkInstance = await Sdk.createInstance({
baseUrl: "wss://",
seed: mnemonicSeed,
await sdkInstance.connect();

// Some code that interacts with the peaq-network blockchain

// Disconnect from the peaq-network blockchain when no longer needed
await sdkInstance.disconnect();


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