Multisig wallets, as their name suggests, require multiple signatures to execute transactions, offering an added layer of security and decentralization. They consist of a group of signers with a defined threshold for the number of signatures needed to approve a transaction.
The Multisig Pallet on peaq/agung networks leverages Substrate functionality to enable native approval and dispatch of calls from a multisig. In this Pallet, multiple signers (or signatories) in Substrate approve and dispatch transactions from a derived origin based on their account IDs and the specified threshold.
: Creates a new multisignature account.add_signator
y: Adds a signatory to a multisignature account.remove_signatory
: Removes a signatory from a multisignature account.approve_transaction
: Approves a transaction on a multisignature account.execute_transaction
: Executes a transaction on a multisignature account.
Code example
// Create a new multisignature account.
let multisig_address = create_multisig(["0x1234567890abcdef", "0xdeadbeef00000000", "0xcafebabe12345678"]);
// Add a signatory to a multisignature account.
let signatory = "0x1234567890abcdef";
add_signatory(multisig_address, signatory);
// Remove a signatory from a multisignature account.
let signatory = "0x1234567890abcdef";
remove_signatory(multisig_address, signatory);
// Approve a transaction on a multisignature account.
let transaction =;
approve_transaction(multisig_address, transaction);
// Execute a transaction on a multisignature account.
let transaction =;
execute_transaction(multisig_address, transaction);